Plan Nothing

I’ve slowed the flow of my blogging after remembering I’d rather lay my hand to a few things and give it my all, rather than a multitude of things half-assed.

When the space opens, I show up.

The way we start our day determines the quality of life within the next few hours of the day. I’ve been practicing morning rituals for 2 years and rarely walk through the same morning twice. It’s not about controlling what happens, but rather letting the day unfold with it’s plan. The day will offer clues to guide us toward what’s next once we’ve completed what’s in front of us. It’s an easier practice on a weekend, versus the work week, because the only limitations are when my plans interfere.

A young UPS driver delivered a package and asked, “What are your plans this weekend?”, as if I should have plans. I flashed a knowing smile and replied with confidence, “Nothing. I plan absolutely nothing on the weekends.” My expression was sheer bliss while he looked puzzled, and it seemed to worry him that I had no plans. I laughed and said, “The weekends are spent doing whatever I please which to most will look like nothing, but it’s time spent refueling my soul for what’s next.”

He seemed relieved, but walked away thinking about how to plan nothing. I entered my home thinking, “I hope he figures it out as fast as he delivers.”

Hello weekend and here I am with nothing planned, so show me what you have in store. I hear the typewriter calling my name. Much love, Barb

11 thoughts on “Plan Nothing

  1. Have a nice weekend of nothing. πŸ™‚

    For me, today was a day at Newark-on-Trent. I went to explore 2 areas I have not been before. Then I had a bit of a late lunch before seeing a friend.

    Tomorrow, nothing planned.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you Liz and I love exploring, so hope you had fun. Yes, ‘planning’ nothing and ‘doing’ nothing are completely different. The day is showing me what to do and right now I’m looking at a stack of greeting cards the mail lady just delivered, so I’ll be writing in those this weekend for Monday’s mail seeing that’s what the day brought. Thank you for sharing and may the weekend deliver every happiness to you, my friend. πŸ’œ

      Liked by 1 person

    • I hear you Laura and what helped me was considering there is nothing to ‘achieve’ for once. I’ll be happy to write more around the topic if that’s helpful. Thank you, lovely! πŸ’–


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